Chinese Market is the Origin of Novel Covid 19.

How did coronavirus start and where did it come from? Was it really Wuhan’s animal market?
1. Pangolin and bats deepen suspicion, virus found in research found in animals spread like humans Sars-CoV-2
2. Pangolin-CoV virus structure like human's SARS-CoV-2 and bats' virus named Sars-CoV RaTG13.
3. Based on just one difference, it is possible that the virus came from bats and spread in humans through pangolins.

Wuhan; Where did coronavirus come from? The world and institutions are lagging behind China to solve this problem. Efforts are being made to connect all the scattered links and yet all the clues are ending up on two animals - pangolins and bats.

The evidence so far is proving to a large extent that the original corona virus originated from bats took some strength from the pangolin and then evolved into a new form and spread to humans as the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Quoting a report in the journal Nature, new evidence found by these scientists is pointing out that a seemingly innocent pangolin may be the intermediate link between the coronavirus's reach to humans.

The World Health Organization has also described the role of bats as suspicious in the past. Rohit Chakraborty, a wildlife biologist known as Batman in India who studies this research, also says that somewhere bats and pangolins can add broken links to the new virus of the corona.

Clue mixed with spike protein
The virus found in the Malayan pangolin has found a spike protein that attacks cells and catches them, just like the coronavirus is used in humans. This is called the receptor binding domain in the language of science.

Using the same procedure in this new study, scientists have concluded that the structure of pangolin-CoV is similar to the new SARS-CoV-2 in humans and a virus called Sars-CoV RaTG13 in bats.

A difference made sense;

So far, it is believed that the new SARS-CoV-2 has been born from the same Sars-CoV RaTG13 of bats. The only difference found is that of the spike or S gene. When scientists focused on this difference two days ago, it was understood that it has reached somewhere in the body of another animal and has transformed itself into a new form. In this way it is possible that the virus came from bats and spread to humans through pangolins.

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